New Horizons
It's now been two and a half months since Jack (my dog) and I moved to Miami Beach, FL. I like it here - and Jack seems to really enjoy it, too.
But, for all intents and purposes - I must admit:
Moving here was one of the more difficult things I've ever had to do.
In Texas, I had a home, my own yard, a romantic relationship, lots of fun things I liked to do and great friends. The idea of starting over in a new place was so incredibly daunting to me - I didn't see where I'd find the strength to do it. And, honestly, I was fearful. Blame it on watching one too many episodes of CSI: Miami - but, my mind would immediately jump to the dangers of being on my own in such a large city. But, work called - and I really didn't have much of a choice in the matter. I felt afraid - backed into a corner - without any options.
I would constantly beat myself up, saying things in my head like, "When you were younger, you were so much more adventurous - what's the deal? Why are you so scared to move, again?" After all, I had moved to London - on my own - when I was 22. But, I think there's something innate about growing up - and resisting change. Like we start to establish roots in one place, and then we're afraid that if we're transplanted, we'll shrivel and die.
I expected the worst - and that made moving all that much more scary.
I kept asking myself, "Where's your sense of adventure? Your courage? Why are you so fearful, now?" But, looking back, now, I see that courage is so much more than a lack of fear. Courage is having fear - but, pushing past it and doing what you're afraid of, anyway. Breaking through your own self-doubt - and stepping forward in faith. So, I'm much gentler to myself, mentally, nowadays - and I'm quite proud that once again - I've lived through "starting over" - and have found some semblance of happiness on the other side.
I'm 29, and I always assumed I'd have my own family by now. I envisioned a life somewhere deep in the south, with a home, a dog, a loving (and doting) husband, etc....etc.
My life is a far cry from that dream, right now. And, yes - my heart does ache for that. I think it's only natural that I want to belong to someone - someplace. I, too, want to feel as though my life is a positive contribution to this world. And, being a wife and mother is so often what we equate to being a successful woman. By leaving Texas, I felt that I was moving myself further from that end - and that's what made me cry. That's what made me fearful.
But, I'm slowly making peace with the fact that I'm "not where I thought I'd be". And, I'm starting to understand that perhaps "that" life isn't what God intended for me. Maybe I'm not meant to be a wife or a mother - maybe I'm just meant to be a worker, a writer, a dog-owner, a sister, and a good friend. At least, it seems that's all I'm meant to be right now. And, really - I'm okay with that - because it takes all the energy and focus I have to manage those things.
So, I float my little boat out on the ocean of life - and I keep looking for my island to appear on the horizon - the one that sings to my heart "you belong here". And, faithfully, I believe that if I keep pushing past the fear - something joyous and beautiful awaits just beyond where the ocean meets the sky.