I Wonder

Going from being in a committed relationship for 5 years - to being single - there is a void - a vaccuum created within my heart.  I long to feel love - and finding myself on the road alone so often - there are weeks that go by without so much as a hug.  So handshakes suffice, for now - and I've learned that turning my attention outward to others is the best antidote to a heart ache.  Rather than focusing on what I don't have - I've been focusing on what I do have.  What's that, you say?  I have an abundance of love to share.  So, I've been focusing my attention on the divine in each of us.  Finding something to love about each and every person really isn't so hard, if you're looking for it.  It's kinda like a personal "Where's Waldo" game that I play with myself, each day.  "What's loveable about this person?" - "What's absolutetly adorable about what they're doing?" 

Oftentimes, I'll catch people picking up trash, that they weren't responsbile for littering.  Or opening doors for the ladies.  Or giving up their seat on the bus for a pregnant mother.  I see acts of kindness all the time that are worth noticing - worth acknowledging.  So, I do.  If I see a dude open a door for an older woman who is struggling with its' weight - I point it out to him.  I thank him.  And, really - we all three walk away smiling.

It's these moments that are brightening my days - and lightening my steps. 

So, when I ran across this poem, yesterday - I just had to share:


I Wonder

I wonder what would happen if

I treated everyone like I was in love

with them, whether I like them or not

and whether they respond or not and no matter

what they say or do to me and even if I see

things in them which are ugly twisted petty

cruel vain deceitful indifferent, just accept

all that and turn my attention to some small

weak tender hidden part and keep my eyes on

that until it shines like a beam of light

like a bonfire I can warm my hands by and trust

it to burn away all the waste which is not

never was my business to meddle with.

-Derek Tasker


Go forth with love today. 

I love you.

Thank you for reading my ramblings.

