I used to pity "Weekend Warriors". Because I worked from home and had a group of friends who were active every day of the week. I never thought I'd be one of "them". I always thought that I'd just intrinsically get outside into the sun and have recess regardless of where I was or who I was with.
I was wrong.
Since moving to LA six months ago, I haven't been surfing, yet - unless you count the internet. I go to work and come home exhausted after 6pm. I don't have a group of friends waiting at the boat dock for me to hop on-board and I don't have any buddies going to catch a set before or after work (at least, not yet).
So, it's no wonder I've been feeling so blue. I only average about 4 hours of sunlight a week, now.
I got up Saturday morning and I cried. I cried for all the friends and the memories we've made to this point. I cried because I didn't have anyone here to meet up with or go play with - not even on the weekends. I cried because I fear that part of my life has passed - and I don't want it to be that way.
Then, I put on my big girl panties - (okay, I really put on my bikini) and I went to the beach with my dog, Jack. We walked the boardwalk - we got some sun - we even made friends with a homeless man named Puck. Jack and I sat and talked with Puck for over an hour. And, Puck said to me, "You look at that Ocean like it's a long lost lover....why?" And, I told him the truth. I told him how I used to surf and wakeboard and how I haven't been in the ocean for over 6 months. And, once again - I was crying.
He said, "Well, that's an easy fix...get out there!"
He's right.
Just because I don't have people calling me - doesn't mean I have to put my life on hold and wait for when they do. I can do things to make myself happy - right now.
When I started this web-site - it was to encourage everyone to take at least 30 minutes a day to have "recess" - and at the time that was a really simple thing for me to do.
Now, I'm married and moved to a new town - and well....I probably don't have to tell you that before last Saturday - I don't know when the last time was that I had recess.
So, here I am : looking at the life I am currently living and I'm finding it lacking.
What it is lacking is my own attention to fun, laughter and JOY. So, I'm writing this as a confessional - to admit that I haven't been taking care of me - and to share with you that I no longer want to live this "weekend warrior" lifestyle. It may mean that I have to sacrifice some sleep. It may mean that I have to do it alone, again - but, the truth is - I need to re-claim some fun for myself.
I need an extended recess - and I need to remember to observe it daily.
So, here's to putting yourself out there.
Here's to setting goals and to making time for yourself.
Feel free to hold me accountable.