You know what the hardest part about giving up facebook is? Feeling disconnected from your friends - and missing all their posts about what's new in their worlds. Everyone has those rockstar moments that get captured and shared on the site - and seeing photos and comments - well that just makes the day go by faster.
Facebook reminds me a lot of the hallway in high school. The bell rings, you get to leave your desk for five minutes - and cruise the halls saying "hi" and "what's poppin'?" to your friends - then you have to go back to the business at hand before the bell rings. It's a welcome break in the day. So, to say that I'm missing facebook is an understatement. The curiosity is killing me! Ah, but, I made a commitment to stay away until Easter- and I'm a lady of my, when I get the itch to surf facebook - I'll just blog, instead!
So, back to the topic at hand: Rockstar Moments.
I've had a few different rockstar moments in my life. You know - those times when you feel like you quite honestly could be starring in a movie for the minute? This picture, above, was taken on the night of one of my most monumental career successes - plus, it involves shutter shades that were given to us BY Kanye's peeps- what's not "movie moment" about that? Well, last night I had another epic night - and checking something off my bucket list. But, since I'm not doing the whole micro-blogging facebook thing right now - there are no pictures to prove it.
I got to sing on-stage to a packed house with a kick-butt live band in Miami, last night!
You read that right : for five minutes - I was the star of the night - and it was so amazing! What's more - is that I would've totally missed that moment - had I not gotten "past myself" and decided to go out to be there for someone else.
Let me explain:
One of my newest friends got some bad news, yesterday. The kind of news that some folks really let derail them. So, as a group - we all decided to meet up in her neighborhood at an Irish Pub, and just BE THERE. I know I'd want someone to do that for me - if I needed it. So, while I really needed to be working late and catching up on the backlog of emails that has me suffocating - I decided to suck it up and show up to this pub for my friend.
I slicked my hair back in a ponytail and threw on a blazer over my T-Shirt and Jeans. "This is as good as it gets, tonight," I thought.
Boy, was I wrong- because as soon as we walked in - there was this amazing live band playing Violent Femmes - and doing it really well! The lead guitarist was incredibly talented - and the lead singer could WAIL. I was bobbing my head and singing along from the moment I walked in there.
We had a good group of friends show up to hang out - so we dominated one side of the pub with our dancing and singing together. Most of the time, my back was to the stage - and facing my friends. But, from time-to-time, the lead guitarist would smile at me - as though he saw me singing along.
Next thing I know, they're playing the opening riffs to "What's Goin' On" by 4 Non-Blondes: and my roomie is pointing me out to the band. They call me up on stage- and I just jumped for the opportunity to sing with such an amazing group of talent.
So, I did! I hopped right on stage in my jeans and t-shirt - and belted out "What's Goin' On" - and when I was finished the whole crowd was cheering! It's been a long time since I've been on-stage, like that - but, it was so worth it.
I went out for the night to be there for someone else - and I ended up gaining more for it than I ever would've imagined.
So thankful for moments like these! Guess I can finally check that "play an open mic night" off the bucket-list....or, maybe I'll move it up closer to the top. :) I mean...I kinda liked it up there...